National Science Foundation (NSF) Registration and Requesting an NSF ID
National Science Foundation Registration and Requesting an NSF ID.
Don't have an NSF ID yet?
- For a new PI, Co-PI, or a DGA not already having an NSF ID wanting to be setup with the "PI" role or the "Other Authorized User (OAU)" role for DGAs:
- The User needs to go to and register:
This is a generic registration process which will then result in the User being issued an NSF ID.
- Once the User is registered and has an NSF ID, the User must then log into and go to "My profile," then to "My roles," then "Add a new role," then "Add & manage organizations (adds the University of Oregon by entering Unique Identification Number (UEI): Z3FGN9MF92U2," then select the appropriate role of PI or Other Authorized User (OAU). If these roles are not available, the User may select "View Only" as a role and click the "Submit" button. An auto-generated e-mail will then be sent to the Sponsored Projects Services inbox and the appropriate role will be confirmed and assigned by a Sponsored Projects Services authorized representative.
Already have an NSF ID, but not yet affiliated with the University of Oregon?
- If the User already has an NSF ID, the User should log into and go to "My profile," and complete the role request steps as outlined in (b) above.
- As noted above in (b), a User may elect to select the role of "View Only" if the selection "Other Authorized User" or "PI" is not available for the Use to request.
- Once the User selects a role and clicks the Save button, an auto-generated e-mail will then be sent to the Sponsored Projects Services inbox and the appropriate role will be confirmed and assigned by a Sponsored Projects Services authorized representative.
If you have questions about the processes noted above, please contact Sponsored Projects Services by e-mail at or phone 541-346-5131.