Financial Reports

To ensure compliance with 2 CFR 200.328 (Uniform Guidance) regarding the timely submission of financial reports of expenditures, please note the following:

  1. Sponsored Projects Services (SPS) is responsible for the preparation and submission of interim and final financial reports required under sponsored project awards. This is done either on an SF-425 FFR form or in other sponsor required documentation, as needed and performed by the Finance Team in Post-Award.
  2. The general ledger system represents the official record supporting all required financial statements.
  3. SPS is responsible for conducting desk reviews to ensure that reported expenditures are authorized and allowable under terms and conditions of awards and are in accordance with University of Oregon (UO) policies, sponsor policies, and Uniform Guidance.
  4. SPS has the authority to request documentation in support of any questioned charge, as well as the authority to exclude from any financial billing or reporting all costs deemed questionable and/or unsupported.

When financial information is required or included in a technical performance report, the report must be reviewed and the financial data approved by SPS prior to submittal to the sponsor.