In 2021, we went live with the IRB module of the research administration portal (RAP), an electronic submission tool to support human subjects research. As of now, all new studies and their follow-on submissions (e.g., modifications, continuing reviews, and event reports) are submitted through the RAP.
Although Legacy Studies were migrated into the RAP, not all study information or documents were included in the original migration. Study teams will need to complete the migration by submitting a modification or modification/continuing review (MOD/CR) with the missing information and/or study materials to ensure the RAP contains all active study documents. Beginning January 2025, Legacy Studies will need to complete the full migration process if they have not done so already. Any studies that are ongoing and have not been fully migrated, must be fully migrated as soon as possible and no later than January 30, 2026 or at time of continuing review if sooner.
Guidance on Migrated Studies
How to make your study complete/whole
Migration Details
Information being migrated
- Currently approved studies have been migrated to the RAP. Beginning January 2025, Legacy Studies will need to complete the migration process if they have not done so already. The migration will be required to be completed as part of any transactions moving forward. All studies must be fully migrated into the RAP (i.e., all active documents up to date and present in RAP) by no later than January 30, 2026 (or at time of next continuing review if sooner).
- Expired and closed studies were not migrated.
- The following pieces of information were migrated to the RAP:
- Protocol number. All legacy studies retained their legacy protocol number.
- Study title.
- Funding sources for research funded through Sponsored Projects Services.
- University of Oregon study team members. Team members not affiliated with UO were not migrated.
- Approval period dates.
What can investigators do to help facilitate a smooth migration?
- Log in to the RAP using your Duck ID and look at your studies. See our guidance on Accessing your studies in the RAP. Once in the RAP, click on the Documents tab for each project and see if the RAP submission contains all your current study documents. If not, your study is not fully migrated and a modification will be needed. Follow our guidance linked above to create and submit a modification to fully transition your study.
- If your study is complete, close your study
- See our guidance on submitting a study closure application.
- Update CITI profile information
- When submitting human subjects applications the research administration portal (RAP), current CITI training for individuals affiliated with the University of Oregon will show up in the submission for each person listed on the protocol so long as the CITI profile information is an exact match to what is listed in the RAP.
- Access CITI Program using your DuckID through the Single Sign On (SSO).
Post Migration - What to Expect?
All study communications will be sent via the RAP. The PI must update Primary Contact and PI Proxy(ies) in the RAP if individuals other than the PI are to receive communications such as protocol expiration notices.
- Only the Principal Investigator receives communications via the RAP until a Primary Contact and/or PI Proxy(ies) is assigned.
- One Primary Contact is allowed per study. The Primary Contact does not need to be listed on the study as a team member. The Primary Contact will receive communications from the RAP, but is not able to perform PI responsibilities such as editing the study record or submitting transactions.
- The investigator may assign as many PI Proxies as are listed as team members on the study. A proxy can perform PI responsibilities on behalf of the PI, such as submitting a modification or continuing review application.
- Only individuals affiliated with the University of Oregon can be listed as a Primary Contact or a PI Proxy.
Follow-on Submissions (modifications, continuing review, and reportable new information)
- All follow-on submissions must be submitted through the RAP.
- Beginning January 2025, migration of Legacy Studies must be completed. Additional information must be entered and all currently approved study documents must be uploaded in order to make the study complete/whole. Investigators are encouraged to consider the extra steps required when submitting for the first time. Guidance on completing the migration of your study.
- Investigators are encouraged to submit a modification solely for the purposes of making their studies complete/whole, rather than combining the migration modification with a continuing review transaction or other changes to the study.
Student led research
- Students conducting human subjects research are eligible to act as Principal Investigator only when they are under the oversight of a Faculty Advisor (tenure related and non-tenure track faculty) meeting the qualifications of a Principal Investigator.
- Student PIs are required to have a Faculty Advisor listed as study personnel and assigned as a PI Proxy.
- To confirm the Faculty Advisor's approval of the research and willingness to assume Principal Investigator responsibilities, the Faculty Advisor must complete an "Ancillary Review" for each follow-on submission and initial review.