June 2024 New Awards
Thermal Characterization of Proprietary Material
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Matthias Agne
Solid Power
The Great Family ShakeOut: A Novel Simulation Technique to Investigate Parent/Child Responding to ShakeAlert-Powered Earthquake Early Warning
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Dare Baldwin
U.S. Department of Interior (DOI)
Tissue Engineering Strategies to Revitalize Allografts
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Danielle Benoit
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Klamath-Lake Forest Health Partnership All-Lands Monitoring, 2024-2025 (Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Funding)
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Michael Coughlan
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)
Development of a Technology-Supported Adaptive Intervention for Young Children with Language Disorders and their Spanish-speaking Caregivers
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Lauren Cycyk
U.S. Department of Education (USDE)
City of Phoenix Parks Plan Update
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Aniko Drlik-Muehleck
City of Phoenix Oregon
NSF Student Travel Support for 2024 ACM SIGCOMM Conference in Australia
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Ram Durairajan
National Science Foundation
Advancing Simulations of Sequences of Earthquakes and Aseismic Slip (SEAS)
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Brittany Erickson
University of Southern California
Jefferson County Parks Master Plan
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Amanda Ferguson
Jefferson County
Crook County Parks and Recreation Assessment Project
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Amanda Ferguson
Crook County Parks & Recreation District
SAIL Mentor Program Grants: Springfield School District #19 - Fall 2024
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Lara Fernandez
Springfield School District 19
Fulbright FLTA - Summer 2024
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Dennis Galvan
Institute of International Education (IIE)
The Bean in the Machine: The Global History of Coffee under Italian Fascism
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Diana Garvin
National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH)
Sonic hedgehog signaling and skeletal patterning during zebrafish fin regeneration (F31 resubmission)
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Sam Horst
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Black Butte School Addition Archaeological Investigations
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Jaime Kennedy
HMK Company
IES: Developing and pilot testing a brief mindfulness-based intervention to promote self-determination skills among high school youth with disabilities
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Atika Khurana
U.S. Department of Education (USDE)
Conserving Northwest Forests at Risk from Emerging Threats
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
James Lamping
National Park Foundation
(NIDA R24) A Patient Engagement Resource Center using Community-Based Participatory Action Research to Support Parents with Substance Use Disorders
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Leslie Leve
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Navigating New Currents: Improving literacy outcomes for Pacific Island students through family-school partnerships
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
John Lind
U.S. Department of Education (USDE)
Vitamin B12 trafficking and selectivity in gut bacteria (R00)
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Romila Mascarenhas Prabhu
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Early Mathematics Interventions: A Meta-analysis of Group-based interventions to inform targeted intervention for students with math difficulty (IES Meta)
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Gena Nelson
U.S. Department of Education (USDE)
Online Pharmaceuticals and Counterfeit Medicines: Developing Argument Strength Models for Addressing Consumer Attitudes, Perceptions, Behaviors
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
S. Senyo Ofori-Parku
Oregon Consumer Justice
Kar013: An Open-label Extension Study to Assess the Long-term Safety and Tolerability of Adjunctive KarXT in Subjects with Inadequately Controlled Symptoms of Schizophrenia
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Fred Sabb
Karuna Therapeutics
R21 Sub: Supporting high-intensity interval training with mindfulness for enhancing childhood executive function
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Sara Schmitt
Purdue University
Early Literacy Training Series for Educational Assistants
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Jeff Todahl
Lane Education Service District
Geneticizing Health Disparities? Health Equity for Racialized Communities and the Promise of Precision Medicine in Canada
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Arafaat Valiani
National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH)
High Stakes: Examining the Impact of Integrated Sports Betting Platforms on Consumer Behavior
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Henry Wear
Oregon Consumer Justice
Engineering the Immune and Fibrotic Response in Volumetric Muscle Loss [NIH Diversity Admin Supplement, ASSIST ID: 1608387] ASSIST ID: 1066180
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Nick Willett
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Testing an intergenerational model of suicide risk in mother-child dyads
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Maureen Zalewski Regnier
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center