2019 New Awards
JSMA Museum Access for Kids
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Lisa Abia-Smith
Kennedy Center, Washington, DC
Antecedents of Suicidal Behavior Related Neurobiology
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Nick Allen
National Institutes of Health (NIH)(Columbia University)
To support the creation and performance of Hindsight, a musical work commemorating the 100th anniversary of the Nineteenth Amendment’s ratification, to be premiered at Oregon Bach Festival in 2020.
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Melynn Bates
National Endowment for the Arts (NEA)
Building Educational Leadership for Change Cohort 3
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Cheryl Ernst
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Ministry of Education
Early Childhood Measures Library
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Philip Fisher
Heising-Simons Foundation
Mukurtu Hubs and Spokes: A Sustainable National Platform for Community Digital Archiving
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Nathan Georgitis
Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS)(Washington State University)
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute Capacity Building Grant
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Sandra Gladney
Bernard Osher Foundation(University of Oregon Foundation)
Hallie Ford Fellows Traveling Exhibition #3
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Jill Hartz
The Ford Family Foundation(University of Oregon Foundation)
Hwy 99 Transit Feasibility
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Michael Howard
Oregon Department of Transportation(Oregon Cascades West Council of Government)
Archaeological Monitoring and Supervisory Services Proposal for the Alkali/Fort Rock Solar Energy Project, Fort Rock, Oregon
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Dennis Jenkins
Southern Current LLC
Historic Columbia River Highway Mitigation Sites Cultural Resources Survey and Site35HR95 Additional Testing, Hood River County, Oregon[Modification #11]
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Jaime Kennedy
U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT)
The Impact of Ride Hail Services on the Accessibility of Nonprofit Services
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Dyana Mason
U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT)(Portland State University)
Interacting effects of moisture and biotic interactions on seedling recruitment in tropical forests: experimental tests of the consequences of climate variability
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Krista McGuire
U.S.-Israel Binational Science Foundation
Terroir and Microbiomes: Examining the impacts of environmental variations and farming practices on wine grapevine microbiomes
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Krista McGuire
Oregon Wine Board(Linfield College)
Translation of the Seminars of Gilles Deleuze
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Nicolae Morar
National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH)(Purdue University)
Wildfire Science Sharing through NWFSC, 2020-2021
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Cassandra Moseley
U.S. Department of Interior (DOI)(U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA))
ecWeb Data System for Oregon EI/ECSE programs FY19
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Judith Newman
U.S. Department of Education (USDE)(Oregon Department of Education)
Early Intervention/Early Childhood Special Education Services
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Judith Newman
Oregon Department of Education(Lane Education Service District)
YR3 Supplement: HEP Event Reconstruction with Cutting Edge Computing Architectures
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Boyana Norris
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)(U.S. Department of Energy (DOE))
FSME Turkey - Delivery Only
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Leslie Opp-Beckman
U.S. Department of State (DOS)(FHI 360)
Resource Assistance for Rural Environments (RARE) AmeriCorps Program 2019-2022
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Robert Parker
Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS)(Oregon Commission of Voluntary Action and Service)
QII-TAQS: Quantum-Enhanced Telescopy
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Michael Raymer
National Science Foundation(University of Illinois)
Two Year Addendum to Strategic Partnership 2020 and 2021
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Riki Saltzman
Oregon Historical Society
Support for Graduate Student Employee, Maria Jose Marin Jarrin
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Dave Sutherland
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)(State of Oregon)
EESLR 2019 Ecohydrological impacts of sea-level rise on flood protection and blue carbon sequestration in Pacific Northwest tidal wetlands
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
David Sutherland
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)(Oregon State University)
Propulsive advantages of coordinating multiple jets by colonial marine organisms
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Kelley Sutherland
Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation
Oregon Child Abuse Prevalence Statewide Study (OCAPS)
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Jeffrey Todahl
The Ford Family Foundation(University of Oregon Foundation)
TDI Acoustical Field Testing of Mass Timber Buildings
Total Anticipated
Principal Investigator:
Kevin Van Den Wymelenberg
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)(Oregon State University)