Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for Graduate Students

The OVPRI are continually updating these FAQs. If you have a question that isn't answered below, please contact the appropriate contacts listed under each section. Last updated on 1/4/22.

Institutional Support for External Pre- & Postdoctoral Fellowships

Q: I am a Graduate Employee (GE) who is a U.S. citizen studying at the UO. If I receive a fellowship that is approved for institutional support, how will this impact my GE status?

A: U.S. graduate students who are recipients of a nationally competitive fellowship that are approved for institutional support will no longer be Graduate Employees. However, they will be considered fellows of the Graduate Teaching Fellows Federation and continue to receive health insurance and support for tuition and fees form the University of Oregon.

Q: I am a graduate employee who is an international student studying at the UO on an F-1 visa. I am also a Graduate Employee. If I receive a fellowship that is approved for institutional support, how will this impact my GE status?

A: International graduate students who are recipients of a nationally competitive fellowship that is approved for institutional support will no longer be Graduate Employees. However, they will be considered fellows of the Graduate Teaching Fellows Federation and continue to receive health insurance and support for tuition and fees form the University of Oregon.

Q: I am a Graduate Employee. Will I continue to have health insurance, tuition and fees paid by UO during the summer if my fellowship is approved for institutional support?

A: Under the current current bargaining agreement, a graduate student can have summer insurance offered through Graduate Teaching Fellows Federation if they are a Graduate Employee during the spring prior and in the following fall at the University of Oregon.

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Proposal Preparation 

For unanswered questions, please contact

Proposal Submission

For unanswered questions, please contact

Receiving an Award

For unanswered questions, please contact