The University of Oregon offers online Good Clinical Practices (GCP) training through the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI). CITI offers high quality, peer reviewed, web based, research education materials to enhance the integrity and professionalism of investigators and staff conducting research.
GCP content is suitable for research teams involved in clinical trials of drugs, biologics, devices, and social and behavioral research.
- GCP for Clinical Trials with Investigational Drugs and Medical Devices (U.S. FDA Focus) and GCP FDA Refresher are suitable for individuals proposing to conduct clinical trials of drugs and devices primarily in the U.S. and/or who would prefer a more U.S. FDA-centric curriculum.
- GCP for Clinical Trials with Investigational Drugs and Biologics (ICH Focus) and GCP ICH Refresher are suitable for individuals involved in clinical trials of drugs and biologics when the research may be international or where the individuals would prefer a more ICH-focused curriculum.
- GCP for Clinical Investigations of Devices and GCP Device Refresher are most appropriate for organizations or individuals who desire a more international-focused GCP curriculum and a more device-focused program. These device courses cover FDA regulation as well as International Organization for Standardization Guidelines ISO 14155:2011.
- GCP – Social and Behavioral Research Best Practices for Clinical Research introduces GCP principles and discusses how they apply to clinical trials using behavioral interventions and social science research, and is designed to help social science researchers meet the expectation that all NIH-funded investigators and staff who are involved in the conduct, oversight, or management of clinical trials should be trained in GCP.
- Single Sign On (SSO)
- CITI Registration Instructions (for learners unable to use SSO)
- UO Learner Groups and Instructions